Pupils as Playwrights

Reviews of Pupils as Playwrights
"This is a well-produced book, written by Brian Woolland, a highly experienced and well-published teacher, playwright and scholar. It is written for a readership of primary teachers, and it is accessible, thoughtful and soundly grounded in classroom practice. This is a timely publication in that it advocates the integration of different aspects of learning within the primary curriculum, and shows how drama might contribute to literacy.
The book ... has a consistency and thoroughness of approach which means that it is accessible and lively to read. It is likely to inspire teachers and children and I thoroughly recommend it to anyone who is interested in integrating drama into the primary curriculum."
NATE (National Association for the Teaching of English).
To read full review click here
'Woolland provides teachers with a powerful tool to develop students' literacy skills. Teachers and prospective teachers will find this a highly useful addition to their professional library. Highly recommended for all readership levels.'
Choice USA
'University and school leaders would do well to make this title prescribed reading for both primary and secondary teaching undergraduates and teaching professionals in the field. ...Highly recommended.'
Drama Australia Journal
Pupils as Playwrightswas translated into Arabicandpublished in Ramallah, 2019